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That Works Best for You
Connection to Healthcare and
Daily Living Services
Peer referral
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Peer referral
Connections to Affordable Housing via Housing Counseling
Peer referral
30-50% Area Median Income. Up to six (6) months of housing counseling.
Less than 30% Area Median Income. Up to nine (9) months of housing counseling
Peer referral
Connections to Employment and Vocational Services
Peer referral
Peer referral
Up to twelve (12) months of employment and vocational counseling.
Connections to Income Support (Public and VA Benefits)
Peer referral
Peer referral
Up to twelve (12) months of income support counseling.
Connections to Legal Services
Peer referral
Housing resources counseling related to legal needs
Peer referral
Connections to Transportation
Peer referral
Peer referral
Peer referral
Connections to Personal Financial Planning and Credit Counseling Services
Peer referral
Peer referral
Peer referral
Connections to Fiduciary and Representative Payee Services
Peer referral
Peer referral
Peer referral
Connections to Childcare Services
Peer referral
Peer referral
Peer referral
Temporary financial assistance- rental assistance
Peer referral
Graduated rental assistance. Arrears allowed on a case-by-case basis
Peer referral
Temporary financial assistance- Utility-fee payment assistance
Peer referral
Graduated rental assistance. Arrears allowed on a case-by-case basis
Peer referral
Temporary financial assistance- Deposits (security or utility)
Peer referral
One-time security deposit
One-time utility deposit per utility service provider
Peer referral
Temporary financial assistance- Moving costs
Peer referral
Moving cost assistance including moving trailers, storage, supplies, locks, and associated moving needs
Peer referral
Temporary financial assistance- Transportation (public transportation or car repair)
Peer referral
Public transportation vouchers
Ride service vouchers
Car repairs
Public transportation vouchers
Temporary financial assistance- General Housing Stability Assistance
Peer referral
Household goods
Limited emergency supplies, including food, clothing, and winter supplies
Peer referral
Temporary financial assistance- Emergency Housing Assistance
Peer referral
– Single veterans. Three (3) nights of emergency housing assistance vouchers when no emergency or community shelter program is available.
– Veterans with families. Forty-five (45) nights emergency housing assistance vouchers when no emergency or community shelter program is available.
Peer referral
Temporary financial assistance- Child care
Peer referral
– Maximum of 6 months in a 12-month period, per child in household
– Maximum of 10 months in a 2-year period, per child in household
– Childcare assistance can be provided for children under the age of thirteen (13) unless a child has a disability. Childcare assistance can be provided for children with a disability under the age of 18.
Peer referral
Service Statement 1. VetStar reserves the right to change, alter, and terminate services, including service delivery, amount, and financial assistance, at any time.
Service Statement 2. All services, including financial assistance, is temporary, as defined by the programs paying for the service.
Service Statement 3. All service charges not pledged by VetStar are the responsibility of the veteran. VetStar is not held liable for any charges the veteran incurs while in the program outside of pledge agreements as determined by the program supervisor incurring the expense.
Your Rights and Responsibilities
We strive to reintegrate veterans with respect and honor. When you partner with VetStar to receive services you are entitled to certain rights and provided certain responsibilities that reflect that goal. Below is a list of those rights and responsibilities.
1. You have the right that information collected relating to your participation in our programs will not be released without your informed consent, with the exceptionof records subpoenaed by a court of law.
2. You have the right to be treated with respect and consideration. You have the right to have your property treated with respect.
3. You may not be denied eligible services on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, political beliefs, marital, familiar or veteran status, genetic information or inability and/or unwillingness to contribute.
4. You have the right to participate in the development of a care plan to address unmet needs, if program applicable.
5. You have the right to be informed in writing of available services and the applicable charges if those services are not covered or are unavailable.
6. You have the right to make an independent choice of service providers from the list furnished by staff where multiple service providers are available and change service providers when desired.
7. You have the right to be informed of any change in services.
8. You have the right to make a voluntary, confidential, contribution for services received. Services will not be denied if an eligible participant is unable or chooses not to contribute. All contributions will be kept confidential and will be utilized to expand or enhance the services for which they were intended.
9. You have the right to make a complaint/grievance or recommend changes to policy or services without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal. To make a formal complaint, grievance, or suggestion, follow the procedure listed here:
- Suggestions. We welcome suggestions to enhance our procedures, policies, and services. You are welcome to make suggestions to any of our contact points listed in Accessing VetStar (page 1).
- Informal Complaints/Grievances. The first step in the grievance process is for an attempt to be made to resolve the grievance by informal conference with the program staff person who initially assisted the participant. An informal conference can take place in person with program staff can be made within five (5) calendar days of the original complaint/grievance. If these informal conferences do not result in a resolution of the problem(s) that is satisfactory, you may file a formal, written grievance.
- Formal Complaints/Grievances. Formal grievances must be in writing and include elements specified in the informal complaint including the names of the individuals involved, signed by the participant, referring the regulation believed to have been violated, and presented to the veterans services director within ten (10) calendar days after the alleged grievance occurred. Copies of all documentation, if applicable, relating to the grievance must be included in the formal written grievance to the director. A statement of the specific remedial action requested by the participant must be included in the written grievance. The director shall, whenever possible, respond to the participant in writing within ten (10) calendar days following the date of grievance received. Upon grievance resolution, parties to the grievance will jointly notify each level of authority involved in writing. If veteran or family member wishes to appeal this decision, he or she may appeal to grant program directly in their personal capacity. The director can be found here:
- Steven Lara, Director of Veterans Services for StarCare, at 806-470-9317 or
- Consumer Rights Violation: If a veteran or family member believes that their consumer rights have been violated, they may call:
- Jeanie Benitez, Director of Consumer Relations for StarCare at (806) 789-2546.
1. You have the responsibility to inform the appropriate program or its service providers of your intent to withdraw from the program or any known periods of absenteeism when services will not be utilized.
2. You have the responsibility to provide the appropriate program or its service providers with complete and accurate information upon request
1. I agree that enrollment in VetStar’s programs is not guaranteed and is based on programs’ individual eligibility guidelines and funding availability.
2. I agree to report complete and accurate information upon request by VetStar staff for myself and all household members who will receive services through VetStar. Information may include demographics, supporting documents, and references.
3. I understand that any service I receive from VetStar will be paid for, in whole or in part, by state and federal grants, including from the Texas Health and Human Services Department, United States Department of Veterans Affairs, and United States Department of Labor.
4. I agree that falsifying, omitting or not reporting information required for maintaining my eligibility and enrollment may violation federal and state law and may result in separation for cause from VetStar programs and reporting to the respective programs’ Office of Inspector(s) General and law enforcement for investigation. This includes:
- knowingly makes a false entry in, or false alteration of, a governmental record;
- makes, presents, or uses any record, document, or thing with knowledge of its falsity and with intent that it be taken as a genuine governmental record;
- intentionally destroys, conceals, removes, or otherwise impairs the verity, legibility, or availability of a governmental record;
- possesses, sells, or offers to sell a governmental record or a blank governmental record form with intent that it be used unlawfully;
- makes, presents, or uses a governmental record with knowledge of its falsity; or
- possesses, sells, or offers to sell a governmental record or a blank governmental record form with knowledge that it was obtained unlawfully.
5. I agree that failure to provide requested information within 72 hours may result in my service application being dismissed for consideration and require reapplication.
Program Services.
6. I agree that services I may receive when enrolled in VetStar’s programs is not guaranteed and is based on the programs’ individual guidelines and funding availability.
7. I agree that services I may receive when enrolled in VetStar’s programs may be changed, altered, and/or terminated based on program’s individual guidelines and funding availability.
8. I understand enrollment in VetStar programs may require participation in services and care planning activities. Care planning services includes but is not limited to individual success planning, case management services and temporary financial assistance coordination. Care planning activities are assessment, goal development, planning, implementation, and continued monitoring.
9. I understand that choosing not to participate in a program’s services and care planning is considered program completion and results in termination from the program.
10. I agree to maintain contact with VetStar staff at intervals agreed to in my care planning.
11. I agree that falsifying, omitting or not reporting information required for continued eligibility and enrollment for myself and my household may violation federal and state law and may result in separation for cause from VetStar programs and reporting to the respective programs’ Office of Inspector(s) General and law enforcement for investigation.
12. I agree to not engage in criminal activities while in VetStar programs.
13. If I accept temporary financial assistance, I agree to follow all rules and regulations set forth by that vendor providing the service, including motel/hotel room rules when receiving emergency housing assistance and lease terms when receiving rental assistance.
14. I understand that VetStar reserves the right to enter any temporary housing or any permanent residents paid for by VetStar funding if my case manager has a concern for my safety or has reason to believe that criminal activity is taking place. I understand that VetStar reserves the right to conduct random welfare room checks and inspections on properties being paid for by VetStar.
15. I agree not to damage property provided by or being paid for by temporary financial assistance provided by VetStar. I understand that I will be liable for the property damage.
16. I understand and agree that I can be held liable for any loss or damage done to any property that was provided to me with funding from VetStar. I agree any debt incurred due to damage or loss of property is my own.
17. I understand that failure to abide by any of the rules set forth in this agreement may result in my removal from VetStar programs. I understand that removal from the program may result in removal from temporary housing, an eviction from my permanent housing, and further suspension of temporary financial assistance and services.
18. If I receive emergency housing assistance, I will not allow guests to stay in my hotel room without the prior approval of VetStar.
Program Termination.
19. I agree that falsifying, omitting or not reporting information related to terminating from VetStar programs for myself and my household may violation federal and state law and may result in separation for cause from VetStar programs and reporting to the respective programs’ Office of Inspector(s) General and law enforcement for investigation.
20. I agree that VetStar reserves the right to terminate my services and exit the veteran household from program enrollment for any reason. Termination reasons may include but are not limited to:
- Successfully completed program
- Leaving before program was completed
- Non-payment of rent/occupancy charge
- Non-compliance with program services and care planning
- Criminal action/property destruction
- Maximum time allowed in program
- Needs could not be met by program
- Disagreement with rules and staff
- Death
- Termination for Cause
21. I agree that VetStar reserves the right to terminate my services by separating me for cause and exit the veteran household from program enrollment. Separation for cause includes but is not limited to:
- Program abandonment: veteran has not responded to engagements for 90 days.
- Veteran engaged in criminal activity that threatens the health, safety and security of themselves, family members, other veterans, or program staff;
- Veteran commits theft from the program or program staff or vandalizes property.
- Veteran threatened, or appearing to threaten, the physical or psychological safety of others.
- Veteran engages in obnoxious behavior(s) that disrupt regular operations, including nuisance calls.
- Veteran violated the program service agreement, including failure to report information like family size and income, or otherwise falsified information and/or documents to gain service.
22. Termination Appeals. I agree to VetStar’s process for appealing decisions to terminate services. The first step in the appeal process is for an attempt to be made to resolve the inquiry by informal conference with the program staff person who exited the veteran. An informal conference can take place in person with program staff can within five (5) calendar days of the exit. If these informal conferences do not result in a resolution of the problem(s) that is satisfactory, the veteran may appeal the review.
23. Formal Appeals Formal appeals must be in writing and include elements specified in the review, include the names of the individuals involved, signed by the participant, referring to the reason the termination is in error, and presented to the respective program supervisor within ten (10) calendar days after the exit occurred. Copies of all documentation, if applicable, relating to the exit must be included in the formal written appeal to the program supervisor. A statement of the specific remedial action requested by the participant must be included in the written appeal. The program supervisor shall, whenever possible, respond to the participant in writing within ten (10) calendar days following the date of appeal was received. Upon appeal resolution, parties to the appeal will jointly notify each level of authority involved in writing. If veteran or family member wishes to appeal this decision, he or she may appeal to grant program directly.